Bits and Pieces - CRANKIES!! Workshop

We are so excited to bring a CRANKIES workshop to Matteson Library

Scheduled for June 23rd, 24th, and 25th from 4 -5pm

CRANKIES are a form of puppetry with a unique ability to convey a message or story.

To give you some more information, a CRANKIES workshop is comprised of a multi-step approach to creating a moving storyboard.

What is the history of Crankies?

Crankies began thousands of years ago in India and Indonesia as scrolls were used to tell the stories of religious epics.

Because most people could not read at that time, they could follow the story by looking at the images on the scroll.

Over time, story scrolls were used across the world. - Google

The spools have handles that can be 'cranked' to bring movement to an illustrated scroll that is wound onto the spools.

In the 19th Century, these devices had many names but were often referred to as moving panoramas.

The term 'crankie' was coined later by Peter Schuman of the Bread and Puppet Theatre, USA. - Google

Example below

Sarah Wilson