MDFPA - Great Lakes Puppeteers Potlatch 2024
We had a great time attending this year’s Potlatch at Pokagon State Park!
It was really nice to see everyone who could make it and share stories and adventures.
A truly super group of folks with mutual interests in the world of puppetry.
The public is always welcome to attend the performances.
Marc’s favorite gathering!
This weekend at the Potawatomi Inn was uniquely both a frenetic cluster of busy folks meeting, greeting and anxiously awaiting the performances, workshops and intimate chats with old friends and new acquaintances, while at the same time offering a quiet repose outside on the wooded grounds, trails and lakeside views.
Rick Morse
A dear friend, Rick Morse, sadly passed away this year. Rick was the former Regional Director of Great Lakes Regional Potlatch. A lovely tribute and performances were created and presented in his honor.